Should You Use a Residential Roofing Company or DIY?

If it is time for your home to have new shingles installed, you might be thinking about trying it the DIY method. But, more often than not, a residential roofing company will make your new roof the best it can be to protect your home.

A residential roofing company can be a more expensive option compared to the DIY method, whether you are just looking for new shingles or you need a new roof deck and underlayment as well. The additional cost is often offset by the experience, knowledge, and peace of mind that you will get when you hire a professional to handle this for you.

Residential Roofing CompanyThe DIY approach can have many disadvantages and drawbacks, but for some homeowners it is possible to tackle a roof project and do it right. In order to determine whether you should try the DIY method you need to consider the following questions:

  • Do you understand the true scope of the project?
  • Do you know the process to follow for the work that needs to be done?
  • Are you knowledgeable about how a roof is built?
  • Can you do the job right the first time?
  • Do you fully understand every aspect of the task, and all of the work and materials involved?
  • Are you in good physical shape?
  • Do you have any experience in roof repair or replacement?

The Right Residential Roofing Company Can Offer Peace of Mind at Affordable Prices

The right residential roofing company will give you peace of mind at affordable prices, and you can be assured that the job will be done right without any setbacks or hassles. A professional will quickly detect any problems and know the best way to fix any issues at the lowest cost because they have extensive experience in this industry.

New Shingles Must be Properly Installed for a Valid Warranty

If you try to install new shingles without using a qualified residential roofing company then you could end up voiding any warranty offered on the roofing materials that you choose. Most shingles offer a warranty of some type, and some of the top name manufacturers will offer one that covers 25 years or more if the materials are professionally installed.

Are You Physically Capable of DIY Roof Repairs or Replacement?

Roofing can be very hard labor, and if you are not in top physical shape, you may not be able to handle the physical requirements. A residential roofing company will employ professional roofers who are well qualified to handle this type of work. Since many roofing specialists may be involved the job will be completed much faster in most cases as well.

Click here to read our article DIY Versus Professional Help with a Leaking Roof.

If your roof has an extremely steep pitch, it is imperative that you use the proper safety equipment.


How Much Can You Save With the DIY Method?

If you choose the DIY method instead of using a residential roofing company to install new shingles or perform roof repairs then you may save money on the project but at what cost? The actual savings that you get will depend on many factors, and it can be small or large. The risks that you face may be enormous though, so you have to decide whether it is worth it in your case.

Do You Have the Knowledge Needed for This DIY Project?

A residential roofing company will have extensive knowledge in roof repairs and replacement, and this is knowledge that most homeowners do not have. If you are one of the few who has experience and a lot of knowledge in roofing then you may be capable of using the DIY approach. If this is not the case, then hiring a professional is the best option.

Are the Savings Worth the Risks?

If you decide to DIY instead of using a qualified residential roofing company to install new shingles or perform repairs to your roof then you need to compare the risks and the savings. This will help you decide which method works best in your specific situation. If you are not extremely knowledgeable and experienced in roofing you should always use a professional.

If you attempt a DIY project and then find out that you cannot handle the job the cost of roof repairs can go up dramatically. It is usually better to have a specialist handle this type of job unless you are fully confident in your abilities.

The last time you needed any roof work done did you hire a residential roofing company or DIY? Why?

Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane was born and raised in St. Louis and is a die-hard Cardinals fan. She is one of the original founders of Crane Roofing. While her sons now run the business, she contributes by researching and writing articles for the website.

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